Bulletin du 8 septembre 2012

Presenter and Campaigns Training and Sharing with d’Arcy Lunn au Holiday Inn Select, Chinatown, 99 Viger Avenue West, Saturday 8 September afternoon session from 1pm to 5pm

Thank you very much d’Arcy for this excellent training session on how to advocate to create more Rotary awareness, enhance our public image and raise funds to End Polio Now!


Message de d’Arcy:

See the details and invite on the GPP website  http://www.globalpovertyproject.com/events and http://www.globalpovertyproject.com/events/invite/37100888

Recently in Toronto and Ottawa I have given these training and sharing workshops with a lot of success.

In the past three years, I have trained over 140 people in presenting and campaigns and would love to learn from your experiences and insights as well.

I thought it would be great to go deeper into the topics and issues of extreme poverty and share how we go about it at the Global Poverty Project.

I think the Global Poverty Project offers some great skills and resources to bolster your work and organizations. I also believe collaboration is the key and keen to get people doing similar work together and see what we can learn and share from one another.

An interesting little resource to this might be a look at what I have been able to get out of being a part of an educational, advocacy and awareness raising organization http://www.globalpovertyproject.com/pages/presenterprofiledarcy You will have to choose Australia | English from the drop down box at the bottom of the page to view.

Specifically the session covers:

  • Global education, campaigns, advocacy, ambassadors and action – how the Global Poverty Project does it, particularly with the launch of our Global Festival http://www.globalfestival.com/ and Global Citizen initiative http://globalcitizen.org/
  • ‘Your Story’ how to develop a major tool you have for engagement and action
  • Presenting skills and style and our 1.4 Billion Reasons presentation
  • How to answer the hardest FAQs on poverty related topics and issues
  • General Q&A, tips, thoughts, tricks, trade of info and little bit of information and inspiration

The idea is to contribute and share your skills and experiences while honing your own.

There is also a chance the Global Poverty Project will be doing some more work in Canada at some stage this year so be good to see how we fit into the eco-system and be of use to others and their outreach.

Big Thank You to the folks who were able to attend the training session and for coming out for a little sharing, learning, inspiration and insights.

I hope you all get a chance to rework your stories for advocacy as it is a powerful tool.

For your inspiration you might like the new Global Citizen video we have just released for the Global Festival –http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w5rj10E6j1s&feature=g-all-u it hit the front page of YouTube the other day with over 15,000 views for the day…

d’Arcy Lunn  http://www.livebelowtheline.com

The End of Polio campaign, Country Manager – Canada, Global Poverty Project Presenter, Advisor and Ambassador

Canadian cell phone: 418-261-6342Skype: Lunny06  E: darcy@globalpovertyproject.com

Advocating and engaging with Canadians to see a polio-free world for everyone everywhere and forever! Travelling across Canada this May-September leading up to the United Nations General Assembly www.TheEndOfPolio.com




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