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Rotary District 7040

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Au cours des quatre prochaines années, le gouvernement du Canada versera deux dollars par dollar recueilli par la Fondation Rotary Canada pour appuyer le Plan stratégique de la phase finale de l’Initiative mondiale pour l’éradication de la poliomyélite, pour une contribution maximale de 12 millions de dollars.

Le ministre du Développement international et de la Francophonie, l'honorable Christian Paradis, a annoncé le renouvellement du partenariat entre le gouvernement du Canada et la Fondation Rotary Canada en versant une contribution qui pourrait atteindre 18 millions de dollars pour sauver la vie d'enf…

During the next four years, the Government of Canada will contribute two dollars for every dollar raised by Rotary Foundation Canada in support of the Global Polio Eradication Initiative’s Endgame Strategy, to a maximum contribution of $12 million.

The Honourable Christian Paradis, Minister of International Development and La Francophonie, announced the renewal of the partnership between Government of Canada and Rotary Foundation Canada by providing a total of up to $18 million to help save the lives of vulnerable children and reduce poverty i…

Four young members are driving across the U.S. to bring attention to local and international needs by doing random acts of kindness, highlighting Rotary clubs and Rotary youth club activities and creating large scale community service projects. Find out more about “Rollin’ with Rotary” https://youtu.be/NMin60Rwxvs

On August 1st, 4 young professionals are going to travel across the country to celebrate rotary to celebrate giving, and celebrate communities across the US....
Rotary District 7040 a partagé un lien.
Publié par Susan Diening · 3 août, à 11:02 ·
District Rotary D-7040 Video Journal EN #3 2015-08-02
Rotary District 7040 a partagé un lien.
Publié par Susan Diening · 3 août, à 11:02 ·
District Rotary D-7040 Journal Vidéo FR #3 2015 08-02
Rotary District 7040 a partagé un lien.
Publié par Susan Diening · 3 août, à 11:02 ·
Video of the High Tech (?) Draw by Governor LaLiberté to find a winner for the $2000 Travel Voucher chosen among those who register between July First and Ju...

Do you wear your ‪#‎Rotary‬ pin when you are out in public?

by Sakuji Tanaka, President, Rotary International. I am a Japanese businessman, and I wear a suit almost every day. The Rotary pin is always on my lapel. It is there because I am proud to be a Rota...

Has your club done something like the Club Rotary l'Est Montréal 's networking event last week? Would your members like to share vocational information?

Photo de Claude LaLiberté.

Est de Montreal Rotary Club Networking Event, where we were 21 participants. I believe this is one of the ways for District 7040 Rotary Clubs to recruit younger members and improve for a more modern image of Rotary.

Over 15 years ago, the United Nations General Assembly designated 12 August as International Youth Day to show the potential of youth in our global society.

This year’s theme is Youth Civic Engagement. How does your Rotary club invest in young leaders so that they can get involved in your community? Organize a youth council to seek solutions to common challenges. Invite Interact leaders to learn about careers, participate in internships, or connect with Rotary mentors. Involve Rotaractors and RYLA participants in advocacy events to speak out about polio eradication, childhood vaccination, and other issues. Post your International Youth Day plans here!

Photo de Rotary District 7040.

Rotary Youth Exchange Presentation this morning at the Brockville Rotary Club. Elyssa presented about her year abroad in Italy. Thank you to the Rotarians in Brockville for sponsoring Elyssa as a Rotary Youth Exchange student. Elyssa loves Rotary so much she put the Rotary wheel on her nails!

Photo de Rotary District 7040.
Photo de Rotary District 7040.
Photo de Rotary District 7040.
Rotary District 7040 a ajouté 3 nouvelles photos à l’album 2014 - 2015.

District Changeover

District Changeover
District Changeover
District Changeover

DG Claude Laliberté has his own Facebook page where he shares his travels around the District. Have you liked his page to follow his adventures?

Personnalité publique · 282 J’aime
Photo de Claude LaLiberté.
Claude LaLiberté
  • Ginette Valériote Legault
  • Club Rotary l'Est Montréal
  • Sonia Italia
  • Rotary St-Hyacinthe

An interesting Community Service project that saves lives! Thanks for the great idea Rotary Club of Gananoque émoticône wink

Photo de Rotary District 7040.

Happy Rotary New Year! Bonne Année !

Photo de Rotary District 7040.
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    Est de Montreal Rotary Club Networking Event, where we were 21 participants. I believe this is one of the ways for District 7040 Rotary Clubs to recruit younger members and improve for a more modern image of Rotary.
    • Manon Lennon
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